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HART currently has 4 established committees to address the needs of the organization. Students may participate on one or more of the committees listed below.
Service & Supplies

TREATMENT: Currently, treatment options are not available for most people living in remote areas of West Africa. Most people in the endemic areas can not even cope with the cost of living standards. Surgical treatment of Buruli is currently averaging $800. People living in remote areas of developing countries have no extra money for such expenses. HART will continue to provide free treatment of Buruli Ulcer to those suffering from both early and late stage ulcers, and will implement mobile surgical units to help relieve the burden currently faced by local providers. Mobile surgical units will provide a way for HART to collaborate with the local providers by facilitating local doctors as staff for the units and the materials needed to perform the treatments. OUTREACH: As community outreach is often the only source of organized health care in remote areas, HART volunteers provide basic care and instruction to those inflicted with Buruli Ulcer.

RESEARCH: HART has created a research component to further examine this devastating disease and hopes to aid in the development of appropriate treatments. HART's research component aims to understand both Buruli Ulcer and the problems and stigmas associated with it

EDUCATION: The purpose of the education team is to increase levels of understanding and awareness in rural endemic communities on the different aspects of Buruli Ulcer. Educating local health care providers, traditional healers, community leaders, community health workers, community members in general, and elementary age children helps to propagate the awareness of the disease and its severity. Education at all levels emphasizes early detection and treatment, which is known to be the most effective method of providing care to those with the Buruli Ulcer.

Service and Supplies committee will gather supplies for the medical-research missions, and sometimes assemble patient hygiene kits.

There will be one major fundraiser planned each semester, and additional smaller fundraisers held periodically throughout the year.

A meeting between the volunteers will be held the second Sunday of every month.

Vulunteers will have many opportunities to hold leadership positions in the various committees and see their ideas put into action.

Sign up today to become a HART volunteer hartonline@hartonline.org.



$8 is the average cost for the treatment of a nodule, which is one of the early stages of Buruli ulcer

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