Unfortunately, there is a relatively small amount of scientific
knowledge that exists regarding Buruli ulcer. Because of this
lack of information, it is difficult to educate people around
the world and especially the victims of Buruli ulcer. HART
has createed a research team to further examine this devasting
disease and hopes to aid in the development of a culturally
appropriate education program.
Our research team aims to understand both Buruli ulcer and
the problems and stigmas associated with this disease. With
this research we will properly stimulate an educational program
coordinated with our education team. Such a program will be
vitally important to the learning of individuals prevalent
to Buruli ulcer in order to properly treat and eradicate the
disease. Ultimately, the goal is to help the people of Ghana
become self-sufficeient in their battle against Buruli ulcer.
Our research team is made up of undergraduate and graduate
students from the campuses of Brigham Young University, the
University of Utah and Utah Valley State College who work
along-side professors and doctors of these universities.