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The purpose of the education team is to increase levels of understanding and awareness in rural endemic communities on the different aspects of Buruli ulcer. Educating local health care providers, traditional healers, community leaders, community health workers, community members in general, and elementary age children helps to propagate the awareness of the disease and its severity. Education at all levels emphasizes early detection and treatment, which is known to be the most effective method of providing care to those with the Buruli ulcer.

The education team works in close conjunction with the outreach team to ensure that not only are communities educated about Buruli ulcer, but that proper surveillance systems for the treatment of the disease are established. Such coordination makes certain that those who currently have the disease or will contract the disease in the future, receive or know how to obtain the proper care that they need.

Our Education team is composed of three subcommittees, which focus on targeting three key groups to disseminate information and awareness of the disease: community health personnel, community members, and elementary school children. The three subcommittees are currently working to establish specific education protocols for these separate populations in order to enhance education effectiveness. Pamphlets, posters, and possibly videos will be designed and used by the separate committees to increase the effectiveness of education seminars at all levels.

Being a part of the education team is a very rewarding experience and is a great way to be involved in distributing knowledge to areas that are affected by this horrific disease



$8 is the average cost for the treatment of a nodule, which is one of the early stages of Buruli ulcer

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