Register for Burton Group Catalyst 2006
Burton Group Catalyst Conference Burton Group Catalyst Conference 2006 - San Francisco June 12-14


Who speaks at Catalyst Conference?
What types of presentations are delivered at Catalyst Conference?
What are the responsibilities of Catalyst Conference speakers?
How are Catalyst Conference speakers selected?
What happens if a speaker is unable to present?
Who attends Catalyst Conference and what do they expect from speakers?
What is the required length of stay for conference speakers?
How much time do the speakers at Catalyst Conference have to present their materials?
Whom should I contact with other questions?

Who speaks at Catalyst Conference?
There are three general categories of speakers at Catalyst Conference: Burton Group analysts and consultants, end-users with case study presentations, and vendors.


What types of presentations are delivered at Catalyst Conference?
Catalyst Conference presentations fall generally into four categories: Addresses by Burton Group analysts and consultants; neutral, industry- or market-related presentations given by industry experts and standards-body representatives, vendor presentations discussing clients’ requirements and the vendor’s specific response to those requirements; and end-user case studies that spotlight corporate challenges, directions, and solutions.

Note that case studies are delivered by end-user company representatives who may not share the podium with vendors. Burton Group values strong case study presentations and we are pleased that vendors encourage clients to submit proposals, but case study speakers are required to present on their own. End-user speakers are welcome and encouraged to discuss their requirements, selection criteria, product choices, and deployment experiences with the audience.


What are the responsibilities of Catalyst Conference speakers?
Speakers must follow the presentation guidelines provided by Burton Group speaker coordinators. These guidelines focus on the issues and concerns of Catalyst Conference end-user attendees which vendors should address directly in their presentations. Catalyst Conference is not an opportunity to give canned marketing pitches. Speakers should tailor a message to address substantive issues.


How are Catalyst Conference speakers selected?
End-user speaker criteria:

  1. Relevance of presentations to the theme and topics of Catalyst Conference, and
  2. A speaker's willingness to frankly discuss real issues. Burton Group doesn’t ask end-users to reveal proprietary information about their implementations and business models, but we do ask that they openly articulate the issues they need network vendors to address. Case study presenters should present both successes and problems.

Vendor speaker criteria:

  1. Relevance of presentations to the theme and topics of Catalyst Conference;
  2. Freshness, and uniqueness of what a vendor has to say. Catalyst Conference is renowned for meaningful discussion of substantive issues. Speaking at Catalyst Conference is not a marketing opportunity, but rather a chance to show thought leadership, describe strategic plans, and make significant announcements.
  3. A vendor's industry position. Burton Group selects a mix of established industry leaders and emerging companies who are entering the market with new products. The speaker selection process and its related criteria are outlined on the Speaker Submission form.

The speaker selection process and its related criteria are outlined on the Speaker Submission form.


What happens if a speaker is unable to present?
Burton Group selects you as a speaker at Catalyst Conference based on the content of their proposed presentations, positions and roles within their companies, and their reputation in the industry. If you must withdraw, Burton Group asks that you propose an alternate speaker from your company. Burton Group reserves the right to select the substitute speaker—either your proposed alternate or someone from a different company.


Who attends Catalyst Conference and what do they expect from speakers?
Catalyst Conference is an ideal environment for enterprise technologists, product and service providers to meaningfully interact and discuss the issues facing the network industry. Conference attendees are primarily middle- and upper-level IT planners, architects, and managers who are technically adept. They attend Catalyst Conference to hear industry leaders share strategic future vision and address substantive issues, not hype products. Corporate strategy announcements are welcome; product pitches and software demonstrations are not. Demonstrations are permitted in Hospitality Suites.


What is the required length of stay for conference speakers?
Registration fees for all Catalyst Conference speakers are covered compliments of Burton Group. Speakers are welcome and encouraged to participate in the full conference but are required to attend the entire day on which they speak. Each day begins with a speaker preparation meeting and may conclude with a roundtable in which all the day's presenters participate. Attending the entire day also allows each speaker to be fully aware of outstanding issues or events that occur during the day. (A speaker coordinator is assigned to each speaker and will provide specifics about speaking schedules and presentation duration.)


How much time do speakers have to present their materials?
Vendor speaker participation includes a formal presentation (25 minutes) followed immediately by a brief question and answer session (10 minutes). The end of each conference day concludes with an all-speaker panel discussion (90 minutes).

All speakers are required to attend the entire day on which they speak, as they are involved in both the first and last activities of the day.


Whom should I contact with other questions?

Contact your speaker coordinator or Larry Gauthier.



Register by February 28, 2006 for best Early Bird pricing

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