The trend of centralized “servers”
morphing into distributed “services”
has made infrastructure functionality more
accessible to applications and business
processes. These services which enable SOA
and IdM will be discussed in detail in this
Cross-Cutting Concern.
For 15 years, Burton Group has advocated
that infrastructure functionality should
be encapsulated into a set of reusable services.
These services provide essential elements
in a managed communications infrastructure,
which enable service-oriented architecture
(SOA). These services also provide essential
elements that enable identity management
(IdM). Burton Group refers to this approach
as the infrastructure services model (ISM).
This Cross-Cutting Concern will:
- Delve into ISM including
its benefits and how it’s supported
by vendors
- Determine what services
and technologies are needed to implement
a SOA infrastructure
- Evaluate how identity
management systems will change in response
to the ISM trend
- Determine the essential
identity data services that support IdM